Our Work


Watershed Health & resiliency

Collaboration & Partnerships

Wildfire Response & Resources



Watershed Health & Resiliency

ARWC leads initiatives to restore important ecosystems, mitigate wildfire risks, and to ensure the resilience of our landscapes and communities. Examples of this work include our Monarch Pass mitigation project, stream restoration in Lake County, mine land reclamation in Lake County, our community slash sites, and the Lake County Chipping Program.

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Collaboration & Partnerships

ARWC believes that the only way to accomplish the work necessary to build a healthy and resilient Arkansas River Watershed Basin is through collaboration. We are a nonpartisan organization that works across jurisdictional and political boundaries to accomplish big goals. Examples of this work include the formation of the Upper Arkansas Watershed Partnership and the Colorado Southern Region Mitigation Stakeholders (CSRMS).

Wildfire Response & Resources

ARWC works with state and federal agencies, local organizations, and the community to ensure swift and effective response when our landscapes experience fire. Examples of this work include our Spring Creek and Hayden Pass fire recovery efforts.

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ARWC News & Projects 

Restoring Resilience in the Aftermath of the Spring Fire

Restoring Resilience in the Aftermath of the Spring Fire

The 2018 Spring Creek Fire, one of Colorado’s largest wildfires, devastated over 108,000 acres near La Veta, destroying homes and damaging critical watersheds. In response, the Arkansas River Watershed Collaborative (ARWC) and partners launched a series of ambitious restoration projects to protect vital water resources and strengthen community resilience. Discover how collaboration has driven recovery efforts in the aftermath of this disaster.oration in the face of disaster.

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