Recreating Meanders in the East Fork of the Arkansas River

Aug 26, 2024 | Active Projects

The Challenge

A 2,000-foot stretch of the East Fork of the Arkansas River has been drastically altered, with its natural winding path straightened into a simpler, less complex channel. This modification has split the river into two parallel paths: the original, intricate channel and a new, straightened one that lacks the natural curves essential for supporting abundant aquatic life. The straightened channel has become disconnected from its natural floodplain, leading to degraded aquatic habitats and increased erosion.

Our Strategy

To restore the river, we will strategically remove water from the straightened channel and redirect it back to the original, winding path. Our restoration efforts will focus on enhancing in-stream habitats for native aquatic species and reconnecting the river’s flow with nearby wetlands and riparian zones. This approach will help re-establish a healthier, more resilient river ecosystem.